Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Job Hunt Part Six: Progress, Updates, and Possibilities

So I'm entering the end of Week 2 in my unemployment adventure and thankfully there is a blip of hope on the horizon!

But before I update you on the results of my interviews, 2nd interviews, phone interviews, and tons of paperwork, lets do a recap through gifs. (duh!)

First there was the lay off:

Budgeting forced the hand of the company and instead of offering me a permanent position, they had to give me the boot.

Second was the revamping of my resume:

It went through a lot of regenerations and I now have two versions, depending on the position I'm applying for.

Third was the group interview:

I tended to be the oldest of the applicants when it was entry level and that meant that I was seen as overqualified.

Fourth was the paperwork for staffing companies and applications:

Some of them were straightforward and repetitive, while others were so specific that it took some detective work just to find all the information they were requesting.

Fifth was my constant ray of sunshine aka The Boyfriend:

Even through the spikes in my mood, my depression, frustration, my snippy attitude, and my constant presence in his room (because I had nowhere else to go), he has been my rock and a great cheerleader.

Sixth, and finally (for now), is the results:

Hopeful, but still unemployed. No worries, its Thursdays and I have a 3rd interview tomorrow which will probably end up being the one that gets me back to working.

A lot of the feedback has been useful and while I have been the bridesmaid in this story, I understand why other candidates are chosen. Usually its the lack of experience. I've only been working in Admin for a year. However, I can't really apply outside of my city, since the suck that is Seattle's transit system causes interstate travel to be less appealing than Chinese water torture or a date with Ben Stein.

I have high hopes that I will be walking into a new office on Monday with a paycheck waiting for me at the end of the week.


  1. You're very lucky. My boyfriend - a biochemist - has been looking for work for a year now, and no dice. I hope this current interview pans out for you!

    1. This past year has been interesting. I work in admin so its not an industry specific position. I hope your boyfriend finds work soon. Has he tried looking into college laboratories looking for research assistants?

    2. He needs to make more than minimum wage to afford his various bills,
