Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ch-ch-changes Part Duex!

When we last saw out herorine, she was neck deep in a lack of privacy.

This status is currently on hiatus while the temporary squatter visits the homeland of Cheerwine and Vinegar based BBQ.

This is not to say that I don't enjoy having him around.

 I just like being able to walk around in my underwear.

Anywho, while he is away, I will be enjoying the last bit of personal space and freedom. This isn't because his stay on my floor is permanent. Though he will be in that apartment through to March. It's because I'm leaving.

Moving back home temporarily to help out. But I refuse to sleep on the couch, so I'm taking over the alcove beneath the stairs. Harry Potter style!

Gone will be the days of gentlemen callers in the wee hours of the morning.

So the job hunts begins again..... stay tuned!