Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Job Hunt Part Seven: The Game

In the pursuit of work, there are pieces of humble pie you have to take. Sometimes you have to take a job that pays less when you are down to your last bit of savings and dignity.

Other times, you have to accept that there are jobs that look great and pay well but are outside of your range of commute. So, when the recruiter for a company calls you, it's usually annoying when they mention that the position is for a position that takes almost 2 hours to get to by bus + walking, and you have to internally not cry at your geographical misfortune.

The other day, I had an interesting conversation with a gentleman looking for a Deployment Coordinator (a Project Coordinator for IT and Cloud Set Up Services) who sounded like he was from Mad Men. He kind of steamrolled over the conversation, saying that I had very little experience in deployment coordination, but there was one magical bit of database software that I had extensive experience with due to my last job, as a project coordinator for a structural engineering job.

I declined the interview since it was going to take me so long to get there by bus and it wasn't worth what they were pay. Less than an hour later, he calls back pushing for me to take the interview because, I'm the only one who he's spoken with who knows the most important piece of software.

For the first time in my job hunting career, I have the opportunity to haggle for higher pay. I was literally speechless. I had never had a recruiter call me trying to find my mathematical extreme, (the highest amount that I was willing to work for that they were willing to pay)

He explained that his boss was insisting he call me back and that he was "showing his hand" and "putting all his cards on the table" to try to "sweeten the pot". Seriously, was he sitting in the office with a cigar and some scotch?

I called my family and talked it over with my boyfriend, who made a list of things to include in my reasoning for asking for a $2 raise in the hourly wage. Part of the reasoning was based on the fact that I had had a 3rd interview with a company and the only this I was waiting on was an official offer. But here comes the IT company waving money at me.

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