Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Too much energy to dispell my usual ways

I ponder back to my more active days

I miss the sweat, chalk and grunts

Fighting against a heart that refuses the brunt

And now at a desk, where I sit idly by

I know that I must stand and move again

To create a message to my body, for my brain to send

It's time to find it, that sweet exilerated relief

To drain myself so that I can finally sleep.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Basorexia- Defined

An overwhelming urge to neck or kiss.

A strong craving or hunger for kissing.


If it has not been known, let it be written

With the same ferocious frivolity as a hungry kitten,

Than in my bedroom, with the rain singing outside

And the morning inching closer to its time

While others are craving the strength of a different roast

A culture that has grown both in strength and boast;

There is a magic found in my cup, the start I need

The simple combination of milk and my tea.

It swirls, curls, and dances to a soft silky beat,

Whether I'm reading or cleaning or just because its lovely.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Bring it on, Monday!

Before my alarm, I rose to meet the Monday,

Greeting the morning, beautiful, rainy and grey,

I looked back on my weekend, a waltz of social victories,

Though bars were visited and games were played,

My night ended without getting too crazy

There was bowling and cleaning, cooking and reading

And as usual, lots of tea drinking.

Out of bed, I did go

Bright eyed and ready for what the day might throw

The bus wasn’t late, but early I didn’t arrive

But word of a new employee (a minion is seems!) did brighten my mind.

So now I sit here, answering emails, gusto renewed

And sipping from my mug, a chai blend properly brewed.