Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sleep, Food, and More Cleaning

Yesterday, I spent my first night in my new apartment alone. It's weird being in a new place and its hard for my body to adjust to my old bed. My body woke up at 6:30am naturally, which makes me happy, because that is the time I get up for work. My sleep schedule is finally righting itself.

 I'm making a concerted effort to stick to a budget which my boyfriend helped me make.

I'm trying to eat healthier, which basically means not eating so much processed food. Since I like to cook and bake, its not much of a problem preparing all my meals.

A friend of mine suggested that I try a vegan or sugar free diet.

To which I responded with:

Thursday, September 5, 2013


The apartment allows cats which means there is a very distinct.... smell...when you enter the building:

My kitchen and bathroom were semi tackled today, led by my boyfriend's adorable mock OCD nature:

The apartment is shaping up to be a night hovel for me, though I would have any of it without the help of my lovely boyfriend. He, who set up my modem, cleaned my tub, put up my curtains, cared my suitcase full of clothes and is still willing to rub my feet afterwards.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Books: My favorite escape

"Love is something far more than desire for sexual intercourse; it is the principal means of escape from the loneliness which afflicts most men and women throughout the greater part of their lives".
  -Bertrand Russell

Escape (verb)

  1. Letting worries and reality take a break from the general control of one's mind
  2. Curling up with a book and tea (or cocoa or coffee)
  3. Diving into the wonders of another world, freeing oneself from monotony

This is not to say that I do not have a deep affection for the few important people in my life. Those who have managed to cling to a spot in my heart or mind on a constant basis deserve some credit. Their importance can be solidified by purchasing me a book or some chocolate. I'm not picky.

Matilda was the first movie I watched by myself in a theater. I was terrified but when I saw the power this little girl could wield because of her voracious appetite for books and I felt as if I wasn't so weird. My mother always supported my love of words and the speed in which I read. For presents, starting from age 6, I was given books.

Fun fact: I have a mild form of dyslexia and they put me into remedial reading in elementary school. (I had a 8th grade reading level by 6th grade). It wasn't until a few teachers took the time to realize the issue that I was allowed back into classes with my peers (which didn't happen until middle school).

Regardless of what the teachers said, my family still always bought me gift cards to bookstores and let me spend hours in the library. I was on a first name basis with most of their staff. Even now, when someone offers to buy me a book or even wants to wander into a bookstore, I still react (though more inwardly, these days):

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Weekend: Cleaning and UnPacking

All my friends are geeking it up at PAX PRIME, without me, because I didn't get a badge in time or want to pay twice that amount for a scalped badge.

Instead of relaxing during my 3-day weekend, I'm moving into my new apartment. Last month, after breaking my lease, I packed up the contents of my studio apartment.

I moved most of it into a storage container while I looked for work, or as I call it, Pimping Myself Out.

And over the past couple of days, I've been setting up my move. Finding my new apartment happened quickly, with my boyfriend being the one who stumbled upon the studio that is now my home. The former tenant was kind of a slob. When I looked at the space, there was a litterbox next to the bed that was in desperate need of cleaning and fruit flies in the kitchen.

The landlord informed me that there had also been a toothbrush jammed in the pipe of the bathroom sink, so it would be a couple days til the leak was fixed. Who puts a fucking toothbrush in the drain pipe?!

We cleaned up a little (the landlord had done most of the heavy duty ick).

And moved in the heavy furniture.

Tomorrow, we will unpack boxes, organize and tidy.