Thursday, January 23, 2014

Story Time: The Trip To The UPS

Waiting for a package to arrive

Suspense is hanging in the air

I hurry home to open the prize

But only find a note there

Another day, another plan to time

I chart my journey to the source

But there it seems they cannot find

My package, reason, or an alternate course
So home I travel, seething

Full of rage and indignation

And then the phone is ringing

There is news from the station
My package they did discover

When I was moments from home

Should I return to the center

Or have the pick up postponed
In the end I did return

Weary of the trials and stress

And though UPS I'd like to burn

With my new bag, this I did suppress

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hump Day!

Today is hump day, or the middle of the week, 

Which means that its time for a little celebration.

On the internet, its also Whovian Wednesday

For me, its also two days away from my nervous break down

Between packing up my apartment,

Still putting a full 40 hour week in at work

And all the last minute goodbyes (which are eerily similar to trying to proposition me to have a no strings attached hook up before I leave the state),

Lets just say, I might be

Just a little bit

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

In the End

It falls to the call, the call of the sky
Sitting in the cool breeze of yester-nights
The misty morning is my favorite dream
You were the star and sun shinning brightly
We could have been the kings
It falls to the call, the song of the why
Petals making shadows to please the cause
The foggy night of dark rum and schemes
You were the pain that I could have fought
We could've balanced on moon beams
It falls to the call, the last note of an ally
Looking down empty corridors of childish laws
And with more words, I disbanded the team
You were the captain and I the rogue shot
We couldn't see and we couldn't be

- Britny Musson