Saturday, August 10, 2013

Britny Definitions: Friendship and Love

Knowing you are wrong, informing you of such, and then deciding to support your decision regardless.

Popping your boyfriend's back zits because he can't reach them and cleaning the wounds without ridicule or request.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Avatar: The Last AirBender, Episodes 1-2

I try really hard to give fandoms an open mind and fair chance. The love of shows and cultures tends to come from a place of solidarity and sometimes escape. They watch the characters grow and explore the world in a sensitive and voyeuristic way.

 Most of the time, I can understand where the appreciation comes form, though some fans are a little too...

Tonight, I watched the first two episodes of Avatar: The Last AirBender. Here we are introduced to the three main protagonist characters:

Katara (The Novice Water Bender)
Sokka (The Pointless, Sexists, and generally misguided protective older brother)

and of course, Aang (The Fabled Avatar and Last AirBender)

When we first meet these three, one has been stuck in a ball of ice for 100 years and the other two are bickering because -and this is my personal opinion- Sokka is a dick, and Katara needs to punch him in the face.

Through some various adorable events, we see that Aang is a friendly, if not immature young man. Katara is desperate to learn Water Bending, and Sokka is just a chauvinistic and controlling pain in the ass (with a complex probably due to being the only responsible and young male of his tribe).

We are also introduced to Zuko, the grumpy and determined Prince of the Fire Nation.

He's determined to bring honor to the royal family by capturing the Avatar. He finds Aang, surprised that he is just a child, and is met with little opposition (Sokka doesn't count).

Aang goes peacefully, not wanting anyone to be harmed because of him and then escapes later aboard the fire nation ship. Katara and Sokka go to rescue him, but as it turns out, there is a bit of a fail safe within the Avatar so that he doesn't die.

In the end, the three heroes escape, much to Zuko's chagrin and set forth to learn to master the three remaining elements, teach Katara to master her WaterBending and ride a bunch of animals along the way.

So far, I dislike most of the characters introduced (except Katara and Aang), as I expect I am supposed to, and I hope that Sokka gets punched in the face on a regular basis (which I am assured he will) though I do appreciate his little victory over Zuko at the end of the second episode.

(gifs found here)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Job Hunt: Part Three aka Hypocrisy in the Interviewing Process

Interviewer: "We will be interviewing more people over the next few days and will be contacting for 2nd interviews next week."

Me: "Ok"

(Less than 24 hours later)

Email from Interviewer:

Dear Applicant,
We have filled the position. Thank you for your interest. It was a pleasure to meet you.



(Apparently, they also work in time travel....)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Job Hunt: Part Two aka Frustrating Moments


The term "Entry Level Position" followed by "require 3-5 years of experience":

Being asked during an interview why I'm looking for a job:

Being asked why your temporary positions were so short:

Monday, August 5, 2013

Catching up on each other's fandoms

So, it has come to my attention (and my boyfriend's) that we have a bit of a gap in our fandom. More importantly, there are a few shows that we have not seen that the other thinks should be rectified. So according to my boyfriend, and Tumblr, I need to watch the following:

Adventure Time

Avatar The Last Air Bender

However, he needs to watch the following:



And finish the latest season of Doctor Who:

Breast Cancer

While it is not a normally hereditary occurrence, it seems that in my family, breast cancer is as common as brown eyes. I did a bit of research on the subject and while its a genetic mutation that only affects the breast cells, my family is predominantly female and three of the 8 main female members of my immediate family have either had cancer, had a benign lump, or are currently finding out which version they have. To be more specific, my mother has had breast cancer twice, I found a benign lump the size of a tangerine when I was 18 (I had to forfeit a month of school for the surgery), and my grandmother is currently undergoing a biopsy to determine the fate of her chest, medical bills and the family's general sanity.

Biopsy Facts:

  • Most women who have a biopsy are not diagnosed with breast cancer
  • There are three types of needle biopsies: Fine needle aspiration, core needle and vacuum assisted
  • Sometimes a surgical biopsy is still required and sometimes the needle biopsy misses and gives a false reading.

Breast Cancer Facts:
  • Its the second most common cancer in women in the US, according to the American Cancer Society
  • There is an estimated 290,170 new cases of breast cancer cases in 2012 alone
  • In a women's lifetime, there is a 1 in 8 chance she will have breast cancer

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Job Hunt: Part 1 aka The Lay Off

Monday: Slow at work

Tuesday: Small pick up in work 

Wednesday Morning:

  • The call into the office: 
  • Getting laid off due to budget cuts: 
  • Calling Family, staffing company and unemployment:

    • My family offering to fly me home since I "failed":

Thursday Morning:

  • Job Hunting: 
  • Telling my Landlord:

  • Applications and Resume Editing:


  • More Job Hunting:

    When my friends ask if I'm ok but offer no help:


  • After moving my apartment into storage:

  • More Job Hunting: 


  • People complaining about their new job/promotion to me: