Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Job Hunt Part Ten: Employed and dodging curve balls

They say that there is usually a balance in the world, one where you have to see the good as a reward of understanding or making it through the bad, and the bad as a reminder of all the good you have now and in the future. Its there to show you the difference and keep you appreciating. It's why we have movies about corrupted people who through some journey come out as a better person. That being said, I really hate it when things like that pile on top of each other.

Friday was one of those days.

2:15pm (PST) Got the call that I was being offered the job:

This is actually fairly accurate to what I did when I got off the phone.

2:30pm (PST) Calling home to tell my grandmother the good news:

2:45pm (PST) Calling to tell my mom and she tells me my grandmother has stage 2 Breast Cancer 

And that my mom's ex has threatened her, thus requiring a restraining order

So, I took a bit to process this, as I was filled with some serious conflicting emotions. First, there was the relief of finally having a job again, one which is advantageous to my career, and pays well. I will have PTO and paid vacations so I can visit home. However, the impending worry for my grandmother that sat in the corner, waiting for the lull, was fighting in a cage match against a wave of anger and protective rage for my mother and her situation.

My boyfriend and I went to a movie, hoping to remove the hold that the emotions were having on me -- and the massive headache the rollercoaster of feelings was starting --. We saw "World's End", the final installment of the Cornetto trilogy by Edgar Wright.

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

Hot Fuzz (2007)

World's End (2013)

After getting out of the movie, I had two missed calls and a text from my little sister. Apparently, my mom's ex had come over to the house and waited until my mom took the dog out and attacked her, then stole the dog. 

So after making sure my mom was O.K. and that she was being looked after, I ranted with my boyfriend all the way to the nearest bar.

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