Breast Cancer
While it is not a normally hereditary occurrence, it seems that in my family, breast cancer is as common as brown eyes. I did a bit of research on the subject and while its a genetic mutation that only affects the breast cells, my family is predominantly female and three of the 8 main female members of my immediate family have either had cancer, had a benign lump, or are currently finding out which version they have. To be more specific, my mother has had breast cancer twice, I found a benign lump the size of a tangerine when I was 18 (I had to forfeit a month of school for the surgery), and my grandmother is currently undergoing a biopsy to determine the fate of her chest, medical bills and the family's general sanity.

Biopsy Facts:
- Most women who have a biopsy are not diagnosed with breast cancer
- There are three types of needle biopsies: Fine needle aspiration, core needle and vacuum assisted
- Sometimes a surgical biopsy is still required and sometimes the needle biopsy misses and gives a false reading.
Breast Cancer Facts:
- Its the second most common cancer in women in the US, according to the American Cancer Society
- There is an estimated 290,170 new cases of breast cancer cases in 2012 alone
- In a women's lifetime, there is a 1 in 8 chance she will have breast cancer
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